A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

SpaceBlocks is a simple puzzle game. The goal is complete the lines to eliminate them before they get down. This game is based on one of the popular games include in many LCD machines. This game is avaiable for Windows, Linux, Mac and soon for Nintendo 3DS

For Linux and Mac you need to have installed Löve


SpaceBlocks-win32.zip 4 MB
SpaceBlocks-win64.zip 4 MB
SpaceBlocks.love 1 MB

Install instructions


You need donwload Löve 0.9.0 or newer from official web and compile or, is avaliable, from the repositories of your GNU/Linux distro. For example on Archlinux: pacman -S love

Open a terminal and run love path/to/EntroPipes.love

Other trick is create a custom executable:

cat /usr/bin/love EntroPipes.love > entropipes


Simply download the zip for WIndows, unzip and double click on SpaceBlocks.exe

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